Unlocking the Potential of Open Data Morocco: Implementation, Use, Observations and Perspectives
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10143831Mots-clés :
Open data, portal, implementation, use, KPIsRésumé
The Open Data Morocco project serves as a strong catalyst for entrepreneurial and digital innovation, through the promotion of the open public data from administrations, public institutions and enterprises. This movement is part of Morocco's ongoing economic and social transformation. Open data is based on a free and open access exposure at the level of a National Portal, of the data produced by the relevant organizations and institutions using open, standard and well-documented formats to facilitate their exploitation and reuse. The purpose of this research work is to analyze and highlight the introduction of Open Data in Morocco, as a vector of digital transformation, with a range of impact on various dimensions: societal, legal, digital, organizational. Based on the hypotheses drawn from the literature review, and after 18 months from the launch of the Open Data portal: www.data.gov.ma, we intend to analyze the key parameters linked to the implementation and use of Open Data, and its prospects for development. To achieve this, we adopted an exploratory and descriptive method based, firstly, on a quantified analysis of the Open Data KPIs set to measure the parameters linked to the supply, implementation and use of the Open Data portal. Secondly, on semi-directive interviews with the operational managers of the portal in order to identify by theme their perspectives of development. As the main conclusion of this study, the feeding function of the Open Data Morocco portal linked to its implementation, had a direct positive impact on its utilization by users.
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(c) Tous droits réservés African Scientific Journal 2023
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